COVID-19 Coping: a Barometer on Saskatchewan Mental Health
(Week 24)
[October 9, 2020] Since March, we have been tracking how Saskatchewan residents have been holding up with COVID-19. Here are the latest results from October 5-8.
Week 24 Results
We surveyed 400 Saskatchewan residents on our consumer panel, SaskWatch Research®, each week. Next week, due to the long weekend, we will be suspending reporting on our Barometer. The Barometer will return to its weekly schedule the following week on October 23.
Self-reported mental health falls to the lowest level since April, although stress levels remain steady.
Outlooks for the weeks ahead normalize, with nearly six in ten feeling like things will remain the same.
Many residents admit their household charitable giving has declined since the onset of COVID-19.
Turning to Thanksgiving plans this weekend, nearly one half of residents plan to play things a bit safer given the pandemic.
A wide range of activities are planned this Thanksgiving.
Given the recent news about Donald Trump contracting COVID-19, opinions are somewhat mixed regarding the impact this will have on his election outcome. Two in ten feel it will reduce his chances of winning, while one third don’t think he’ll win anyway. However, this leaves a sizable proportion who anticipate he may still win the election.
Since March 23, 2020, we started sharing a few brief insights from our online community, SaskWatch Research®. As we monitor and trend the results by week, we will share the information with you as we get it.
Let us know if you have any questions for our panel about COVID-19.