To end the year on a positive note, we asked residents to tell us the highlight of their year during this pandemic. Common stories include major life events such as births, weddings or a career changes, stronger connections with others, special activities, overcoming illnesses or surgeries and simply a greater appreciation of life.
"The biggest highlight for me is finding out that I’m going to be a grandma again. I have three wonderful little grandsons, and I am getting a granddaughter in March. Super excited!"
"I managed to get a full-time job in the summer in my field, something that I have been trying to do for nearly two years."
"My son got engaged! Family members and friends had a baby. Family and friends have completed cancer treatments."
"We have maintained our health and well-being. Our grandson recovered from the virus."
"I think one of the nicest things I've seen is people going out of their way to help others all year long and not just during some special holiday. Family connections have a deeper meaning and for the most part, people are more patient with one another and more forgiving."
"I was able to accomplish a lot at home during the pandemic."
"Donald Trump lost the election."
"Realigned my priorities in life and family."