COVID-19 Coping: a Barometer on Saskatchewan Mental Health
(Week 44)
[March 19, 2021] It's official – this week marks a full year of our Barometer! We've been tracking public opinion for a 52-week period (with some weeks off last summer). That is more than 17,500 responses from Saskatchewan residents!
Here is how people are feeling one year later (March 15 to 18, 2021).
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We surveyed 400 Saskatchewan residents on our consumer panel, SaskWatch Research®, each week.
Week 44 Results
Self-reported mental health recovers slightly while stress levels remain steady.
Optimism for the weeks ahead continues to climb, although there is also a slight rise among those projecting things to get worse.
Opinions of COVID-19 vaccination rollout progress are finally showing more positive results.
With the easing of some public health measures last week, a large proportion of residents took the opportunity to see friends or family in each other's homes. This is most pronounced among younger residents.
Even with the easing of some public health measures last week, four in ten continue to feel restrictions should be loosened further.
One in ten has already booked a vaccination appointment or plans to stop by Regina's drive-thru centre. As expected, older residents are much more likely to have received a vaccination or will receive one soon.
If residents were to choose, the Pfizer vaccine is most preferred of the four options approved for use. Preference is tied for either Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, with few vying for the AstraZeneca dose. More residents have a brand preference than they did one week ago.
Since March 2020, we started sharing a few brief insights from our online community, SaskWatch Research®. As we monitor and trend the results by week, we will share the information with you as we get it.
Let us know if you have any questions for Saskatchewan residents about COVID-19.